Cheat sheet

In the tables below, triple chords always accept a variant with the third key not modified by Control; e.g., geiser-autodoc-show is bound both to C-c C-d C-s and C-c C-d s.

Scheme buffers

C-c C-zgeiser-mode-switch-to-replSwitch to REPL
C-c C-ageiser-mode-switch-to-repl-and-enterSwitch to REPL and current module (also C-u C-c C-z)
C-c C-sgeiser-set-schemeSpecify Scheme implementation for buffer
M-.geiser-edit-symbol-at-pointGo to definition of identifier at point
M-,geiser-pop-symbol-stackGo back to where M-. was last invoked
C-c C-e C-mgeiser-edit-moduleAsk for a module and open its file
C-c C-e C-lgeiser-add-to-load-pathAsk for a directory and add to Scheme load path
C-c C-e C-[geiser-squarifyToggle between () and [] for current form
C-c C-\geiser-insert-lambdaInsert greek lambda or, with prefix, a lambda form
C-c C-igeiser-eval-interruptInterrupt ongoing evaluation
C-M-xgeiser-eval-definitionEval definition around point
C-c C-cgeiser-eval-definitionEval definition around point
C-c M-egeiser-eval-definition-and-goEval definition around point and switch to REPL
C-c M-cgeiser-eval-definition-and-goEval definition around point and switch to REPL
C-x C-egeiser-eval-last-sexpEval sexp before point
C-c C-rgeiser-eval-regionEval region
C-c M-rgeiser-eval-region-and-goEval region and switch to REPL
C-c C-bgeiser-eval-bufferEval buffer
C-c M-bgeiser-eval-buffer-and-goEval buffer and switch to REPL
C-c C-m C-xgeiser-expand-definitionMacro-expand definition around point
C-c C-m C-egeiser-expand-last-sexpMacro-expand sexp before point
C-c C-m C-rgeiser-expand-regionMacro-expand region
C-c C-kgeiser-compile-current-bufferCompile and load current file; with prefix, restart REPL before
C-c C-lgeiser-load-fileLoad scheme file
M-g n, C-x ‘next-errorJump to the location of next error
M-g pprevious-errorJump to the location of previous error
C-c C-d C-dgeiser-doc-symbol-at-pointSee documentation for identifier at point
C-c C-d C-sgeiser-autodoc-showShow signature or value for identifier at point in echo area
C-c C-d C-mgeiser-doc-moduleSee a list of a module’s exported identifiers
C-c C-d C-igeiser-doc-look-up-manualLook up manual for symbol at point
C-c C-d C-ageiser-autodoc-modeToggle autodoc mode
C-c <geiser-xref-callersShow callers of procedure at point
C-c >geiser-xref-calleesShow callees of procedure at point
M-TABcompletion-at-pointComplete identifier at point
M-‘, C-.geiser-capf-complete-moduleComplete module name at point


C-c C-zgeiser-repl-switchStart Scheme REPL, or jump to previous buffer
C-c M-ogeiser-repl-clear-bufferClear REPL buffer
C-c C-kgeiser-repl-interruptInterrupt REPL evaluation (signalling inferior scheme)
C-c C-qgeiser-repl-exitKill Scheme process
M-.geiser-edit-symbol-at-pointEdit identifier at point
C-c C-lgeiser-load-fileLoad scheme file
TABgeiser-repl-tab-dwimComplete, indent, or go to next error
S-TAB (backtab)geiser-repl--previous-errorGo to previous error in the REPL buffer
M-TABcompletion-at-pointComplete identifier at point
M-‘, C-.geiser-capf-complete-moduleComplete module name at point
C-c [, C-c C-[geiser-squarifyToggle between () and [] for current form
C-c \, C-c C-\geiser-insert-lambdaInsert greek lambda or, with prefix, a lambda form
C-c C-rgeiser-add-to-load-pathAsk for a directory and add to Scheme load path
M-p, M-n(comint commands)Prompt history, matching current prefix
C-c M-p, C-c M-n(comint commands)Previous/next prompt inputs
C-c C-mgeiser-repl-switch-to-moduleSet current module
C-c C-igeiser-repl-import-moduleImport module into current namespace
C-c C-d C-dgeiser-doc-symbol-at-pointSee documentation for symbol at point
C-c C-d C-igeiser-doc-look-up-manualLook up manual for symbol at point
C-c C-d C-mgeiser-repl--doc-moduleSee documentation for module
C-c C-d C-ageiser-autodoc-modeToggle autodoc mode

Documentation browser

TAB, nforward-buttonNext link
S-TAB, pbackward-buttonPrevious link
Ngeiser-doc-next-sectionNext section
Pgeiser-doc-previous-sectionPrevious section
fgeiser-doc-nextNext page
bgeiser-doc-previousPrevious page
kgeiser-doc-kill-pageKill current page and go to previous or next
g, rgeiser-doc-refreshRefresh page
cgeiser-doc-clean-historyClear browsing history
., M-.geiser-doc-edit-symbol-at-pointEdit identifier at point
zgeiser-doc-switch-to-replSwitch to REPL
qView-quitBury buffer